Seeing the magnificent Rainbow Bee-eater is a wonderfully mesmerising experience because of its brilliant colours that brighten the sky and its unusual eating technique that draws onlookers.

Seeing the magnificent Rainbow Bee-eater is a wonderfully mesmerising experience because of its brilliant colours that brighten the sky and its unusual eating technique that draws onlookers.

The distinctive feeding method used by Rainbow Bee-eaters, in which they grab and consume insects in midair, is well recognised. In order to build their nests, they are also renowned for their extensive tunnel-digging behaviours. It can take weeks to excavate these tunnels, which can be up to a metre long. The Rainbow Bee-eater is another migratory bird that travels far every year in order to nest and find food. In order to attract females during the mating season, the males put on elaborate courtship displays that include aerial acrobatics and flashing their vibrant plumage. The Rainbow Bee-eater is a fascinating insect to see and study because of all of these behaviours.


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