
In many fires, dogs, cats and other pets are easily trapped in the fire, causing them to die . A great idea for a special oxygen mask was born , which has saved the lives of many dogs and cats over the past few years. Recently, when a residential building had a fierce fire, people […]

ѕmаll exotіс-lookіng duсk found аt lаkeѕ аnd раrkѕ, uѕuаlly wіth neаrby treeѕ. Mаle very ornаte wіth bіg orаngey “ѕаіl fіnѕ” on the bасk, ѕtreаked orаngey сheekѕ, аnd а ѕmаll red bіll wіth а whіtіѕh tір. Femаle hаѕ nаrrow whіte ѕрeсtасleѕ on ѕhаggy grаy heаd, bold раle dаррled ѕрotѕ аlong flаnkѕ, аnd раle bіll tір. Mаіnly

а medіum-ѕіzed whіte ѕeаbіrd wіth blасk mаrkѕ on the wіngѕ аnd а yellow beаk. The long whіte tаіl ѕtreаmerѕ аre vіѕіble from а greаt dіѕtаnсe. Neѕtѕ on сoаѕtаl аnd іnlаnd сlіffѕ on the mаіn іѕlаndѕ. Often ѕeen flyіng over саnyonѕ аnd аlong сlіffѕ. аt ѕeа uѕuаlly flіeѕ hіgh аbove the wаter. саllѕ аre loud сluсkѕ

Fairly large, bright green parrot of humid tropical lowlands. Fairly common. Found in forest, edge, and semiopen areas with scattered tall trees and forest patches. Most often seen flying overhead early and late in the day, often fairly high and usually in pairs or loose groups made up of pairs. Best field mark is the

    an easily overlooked forest bee-eater of West and Central africa, often found in the forest interior and near forest edge or tree-fall gaps. Dark overall, with a bluish to blue-purple head, belly, and tail, a red throat, a dark eye-line, and a reddish back. May overlap locally with Blue-headed Bee-eater in South-West region,

The defenseless kitten was stranded on the highway, and in its last moments of despair, it pleaded for help, but sadly, passersby disregarded its cries. This heart-wrenching scene highlights a disturbing aspect of our society – the apathy and indifference towards the suffering of others, even the most vulnerable among us. In a world that

  A beautiful bird species found in the tropical jungles of Central and South America is the Grass Green Tanager. This bird is stunning to look at with its contrast of black wings and brilliant green plumage. The fact that this bird’s males and females have distinct colorations is one of its intriguing characteristics. The

  admin831829 September 2023 0 Small and vividly coloured, the Pink Robin, often called the Rose Robin, is a native of southeast Australia. Due to its distinctive pink colouring, this endearing bird is easily recognised, making it a favourite among both bird aficionados and nature lovers. The Pink Robin is a little bird with a

In the Ecuadorian Andes Mountains, there is a rare and intriguing bird called the Ecuadorian Hillstar. This little bird is well renowned for its unusual look, impressive flying prowess, and significance to the local ecology. The Ecuadorian Hillstar is distinguished by its iridescent green and blue plumage, which shimmers in the sunshine. Particularly striking is

  This little, stocky bird is distinguished by a magnificent head-crest and amazing wing patterns. What kind of creature is a waxwing? The vivid red tips of their wings, which some claim resemble droplets of molten wax pouring down their feathers, gave waxwings its name. The bird’s huge chestnut head-crest, broad black bib, and mask

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